
Brianna Medina (She/They) is a 20-year-old Mexican-American multi-media artist based in Chicago. They grew up in South Chicago in the South Shore neighborhood and took interest in art from a young age, experimenting with various forms of art and art studies such as studio and performance arts, design, fashion styling, etc. Although they have been creating most of their life, it was not until 2016 Medina began pursuing a life consciously creating art. After joining a non-profit art studio that artistically supports black and brown artists in their youth, Medina began independently participating in gallery showings and exhibitions throughout Chicago — some more formal and others hosted by other Chicago creatives. In 2019, Medina was selected for a cultural exchange project and art trip in Mexico City during the summer. The project was funded by SkyART and offered a hands-on experience that strengthened Medina’s confidence as a traveling artist and their sense of belonging in the art community. Since then they have been a full-time student, pursuing degrees in Studio Art and Psychology with the end goal of becoming an art therapist and continuing to actively apply an interdisciplinary approach to art.

Gatekeepers, 2020